Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Fate And Government Belief Concepts In Ancient Greece Essay

Fate And Government Belief Concepts In Ancient Greece - Essay Example This paper has addressed the Greek concepts of hubris, ananke, Eunomia, kalokagathia and demos through works of ancient literature and architecture. To bring together these aspects of Greek culture I will tie in the findings of each work: In Persians, Xerxes, by embracing the state of hubris, displayed runaway pride and ambition which cemented his confrontation with disaster; Homer’s The Iliad shows how the concept of ananke is so much a part of the fabric of Ancient Greece; Plato’s The Republic is an example of how the concept of Eunomia is so intertwined with the principle of justice; the concept of kalokagathia can be found in the structure and intent of The Parthenon. Ancient Greek culture was focused on the controls of destiny and judged this acceptance as heroic; in fact, those who fought the will of fate were considered cowardly fools. In conclusion, the examination of these concepts is an important point of study if one is to understand Greek society and how its members viewed the world around them. In order to view a culture appropriately and therefore its people, it is vital that the language and beliefs be the focus of any examination. The words they use will give the viewer and scholar insight into what they find important and what they fear. The thesis of this paper supports the study of Greek concepts as they relate to literature and architecture, allowing the reader a chance to peek back in time and better understand the thought-processes and belief systems of that ancient time.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The importance of corporate responsibility communication, strategies Research Paper

The importance of corporate responsibility communication, strategies for communication - Research Paper Example Introduction Over the years, corporate responsibility (CR) has gained increasing attention from practitioners and scholars alike. The programs intended to demonstrate corporate responsibility have led to significant findings, such as the belief that commitment towards CR activities and communication can improve the perceptions of various stakeholders. Thus, lack of social responsibility may lead to the weakening of stakeholder relationships. CR efforts that are characterized by global themes as well as execution tactics have emerged in the marketplace. Communication of CR in Europe and non-Western countries has reportedly becoming similar to activities in the United States with which reporting and communication are frequently articulated. This suggests that CR efforts, which proactively plan and implement programs that integrate social value with business activities and address problems perceived as part of an organization’s social responsibility, have considerably improved. T herefore, the current trends and evidence highly support the communication of CR activities and programs. Corporate Responsibility: An Overview Primarily, the social responsibility of organizations is to produce goods and services that are socially desirable (Becker-Olsen, Taylor, Hill, and Yalcinkaya. 2010). Furthermore, these companies have the social responsibility of adhering to ethical and legal standards that are viewed by the society as appropriate. This has been presented through a more comprehensive definition that described corporate citizenship as the extent to which firms take on the legal, ethical, economic, and discretionary responsibilities that their stakeholders oblige them to assume. One of the most noteworthy aspects of CR’s definition is the relevance attached to discretionary responsibilities that express the desire of the society to see companies become actively involved in the development and betterment of communities and perform beyond the expected sta ndards. Through previous studies, a number of CR practices have been identified that were categorized as moral or ethical practices, discretionary practices, and relational practices. Diversity, community support, employee support, involvement with the environment, and product manufacturing were considered. Fair treatment of employees, taking into consideration the rights of employees from foreign countries, fair competition with others, responsible actions toward the environment, and exemplifying of truth are all considered as moral or ethical practices in relation to corporate responsibility. Meanwhile, under discretionary practices, a number of procedures have been identified as well, such as the contribution of resources to increase social awareness regarding current issues, support for issues on family and children, support for public health programs, and contribution of cultural programs for the community. Finally, relational practices involve the attempts for establishing lon g-term relationships with consumers as well as the willingness to consider the views and constructive criticisms of stakeholders regarding business practices (Shum and Yam, 2010). The business benefits of corporate responsibility have been comprehensively examined and results have indicated that CR can generate moral capital among workers